Illustration of Eomaia, a prehistoric mouse-like mammal with brown back and white belly, climbing in a tree and eating a large stick insect

Protection Song precare zine

by Heather Kelley

Here is some information to help you set up for the somatic experience Protection Song. You can play it online, or follow along with me in a recorded video. Or both!

Before you play

I'd like you to gather a few items from the real world, which you'll use when instructed during the experience. Have them handy near where you sit or stand.

What is going to happen?

Protection Song is a gently guided interactive narrative experience. Here are a few tips so you know what to expect.

When you are set up and ready to go

Click on this link to start the interactive experience, created in Twine:

Protection Song (self-guided text)

Or click on this link to start the guided video, which is the debut performance during A.MAZE 2020:

Protection Song (guided video)

Illustration of Huaxiagnathus orientalis, a brown striped dinosaur about 1.5 meters long from nose to tail and half a meter tall, prowling on two hind legs through a prehistoric forest

Image (top): Reconstruction of Eomaia eating stick insect Cretophasmomima Melanogramma, by S. Fernandez CC BY 2.5

Image (bottom): Image reconstruction of Huaxiagnathus orientalis, by Nobu Tamura